White carbon black can be used as a filling material in plastic production, which can improve the elastic strength, wear resistance and hardness of plastic thermal stability. In addition, the use of white carbon black for cable can also improve the electrical insulation of the cable, such as methyl vinyl silicone rubber high-voltage wire will use gas phase white carbon black or high-quality precipitated white carbon black. Between the two layers of plastic film is often not easy to separate, bag mouth is difficult to open, and white carbon black is a very useful opening agent. Because it is difficult to mix gas phase nano white carbon black directly with plastic uniformly in the process of use, our company has developed high content of gas phase nano white carbon black masterbatch, which is suitable for the direct addition production of various plastic substrates.
免责声明:当前页为 白炭黑母粒气相纳米级硅酮色母料产品信息展示页,该页所展示的 白炭黑母粒气相纳米级硅酮色母料产品信息及价格等相关信息均有企业自行发布与提供, 白炭黑母粒气相纳米级硅酮色母料产品真实性、准确性、合法性由店铺所有企业完全负责。世界工厂网对此不承担任何保证责任,亦不涉及用户间因交易而产生的法律关系及法律纠纷,纠纷由会员自行协商解决。