Performance and characteristic of DRJL series gummedtapevulcanizing machine The vulcanizing machine and repairingmachineare of the full automation and high precision jointrepairingequipmentproducedby our factory,which adopts uniqueprocess andtechnology,with high control precision ofvulcanizationtemperature(accurate to every degree),uniformvulcanizationpressure,simple operatingsystem,and lightweight.Thevulcanizingmachine and repairing machine are lighter than theoriginal one by1/3in weight.They have reliable quality and durableservice,andobtain newpracticaltypepatent(patentnumber:EL92218270.1),filling a domestic gap in thisfield. 1.Uniqueupper and lower heating plate,adopting special highstrengthmaterial and process forproduction.Itscharacteristicsare:(1)Light weight,high strength,low energyconsumption,quicktemperature rise,high temperatureresistance,rather flexibleheating plate.If the gummed tape surfaceis notsmooth,theheatingplate shall be adjusted according to upsand downs of the gummedsurface so as to ensure the uniform pressureat different points.Inthis way,it shall always aling to the gummedtapesurface,underthepressure of 1.5Mpa.Its parallel compactnessis no more than0.03mm,but the conventional machine has not thisfunction andcannot resist high temperature and is easy todeform.(2)Shortjointingtime,generally 35-45 minutes; (3)Integralthermalconduction,heating layer and quick coolingsystem.Simplestructure,convenient installation,maintenance,andrepair. 2.Uniquehighefficient and quickcooling system: Based onthe firstgeneration purple-copper pipe water-cooling device,thefactory hasdeveloped more reasonable and advanced second-generationhighefficient system withan epoch-markingsignificance.Quickcoolingfrom 145℃ to 70℃ only needs 5 minutes under control,whichshallgreatly accelerate the joining speed and shorten down time.andinthe meanwhile.improve the jointstrength andmaintain thejoint.3.Unique hydraulic capsule: (1)The conventional hydraulicplate ismade of rigid sheet,being bulky and uneven press and easyleakageunder high pressure; The hydrauliccapsule producedby ourfactoryadopts unique process and has special structure anduniformstress.It has undergone many highland tests andhigh-pressure testsat 1.8Mpa for 30min and is with noleakage,beingattheinternational leading level. (2)The hydraulic capsule isapplicableto water pressure and/or air pressure purpose; 4.Uniquesix-corecable flat plug: (1)The incoming line for powersourceaboptsourunique six-core cable plug.In this way,the multi-lineandmulti-plug disadvantages have been solved to integrate andsimplifythe line. (2)The heating plate is fitted withadjustableandinvisiblehandle,which can be pulled our for operation atanymoment easily. 5.Unique automaticelectric control cabinet:(1)Inorder to ensure its durable service,its electric componentsarethehighly sophisticatedproducts from Fuji,and can presetthevulcanization time and tempe
免责声明:当前页为 vulcanizer DRJL-B 650-2600产品信息展示页,该页所展示的 vulcanizer DRJL-B 650-2600产品信息及价格等相关信息均有企业自行发布与提供, vulcanizer DRJL-B 650-2600产品真实性、准确性、合法性由店铺所有企业完全负责。世界工厂网对此不承担任何保证责任,亦不涉及用户间因交易而产生的法律关系及法律纠纷,纠纷由会员自行协商解决。