The origins of cashmere
2013-06-18  点击:12

Theorigins of cashmere

Theorigins of cashmere production are lost in the mists of time. Eventhe Romans cherished it. And by the 1400s thousands worked inShrinigar, Kashmir, weaving beautiful shawls from the under fleeceof domestic goats. Cashmere reached Western Europe in the 1700s,led by the fashion-setting Empress Eugenie, wife of Napoleon III ofFrance.

Inthe 1920's Coco Chanel and fellow designers discovered its finejersey weights and wonderful tactile properties and proceeded totransform cashmere into highly desirable fashionclothing.

Itsrarity is due to the exceptionally harsh and geographically remoteconditions of its production, and the labour-intensive but refinedskills required for every stage of processing. Cashmere's naturalmystique is also enhanced by its being produced by exotic peoplesfollowing a timeless pastoral way of life.


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