2017-12-11  点击:29
 1----  无线遥控抓斗Wireless remote control grab
It is a merging of the radio remote control technology into the single rope grab for handling of bulk materials. It is particularly designed for operation with single-hook crane and ship crane, with reliable performance and easy operation procedures.The grab could be open and unload materials from any position in the air. Project manager: Abby gao 0086-134 8207 5863

2---  电动液压双瓣抓斗Electro-Hydraulic Clamshell Grab
它主要适合抓取粉状和颗粒状散货物料(如煤炭、焦炭、矿砂、黄沙等散货物料),可配合 塔吊、船吊、卸船机等各类型的起重机。抓斗自带液压系统,液压系统主要元件采用国外知名产品,使得抓斗具有卓越的性能。抓斗结构简单,操作方便,能在各种恶劣环境下工作。国内销售业务员:高珊珊
 It is mainly designed for handling of powder and fine bulk materials such as chemicals, fertilizer, grain, coal, coke, iron ore, sand, particle construction materials and smashed rocks etc.
It has been widely used in ports, steel plants, power stations, ships and garbage treatment plants, and is used together with tower cranes, ship cranes, ship unloaders, traveling cranes and other type of cranes. The grab has its own hydraulic system, the key elements of which are of recognized brand imported abroad which ensure the high performance of the grab.
It is simple in structure, easy to operation, and stable in working under severe circumstances. Project manager: Abby gao 0086-134 8207 5863

3---- 电动液压多瓣抓斗Electro-Hydraulic Orange Peel Grab
它主要适合抓取块状 、颗粒状和形状不规则的散货物料(如焦炭、生铁块、废钢、炉渣、垃  圾、石块等散货物料),广泛应用于码头、钢厂、垃圾焚烧处理工厂等场合作业,可配合塔吊、 卸船机和行车等各类型的起重机。抓斗自带液压系统,液压系统主要元件采用国外知名产品,使 得抓斗具有卓越的性能。抓斗结构简单 , 操作方便 , 装卸效率高 。国内销售业务员:高珊珊
It is mainly designed for handling of bulk materials in blocks, particles and irregular shapes, such as coke, pig iron, steel scrap, slag, garbage and rock etc.
It is widely used in ports, steel plants and garbage treatment plants, with tower cranes, ship unloaders, traveling cranes and other type of cranes. 
The grab has its own hydraulic system, the key elements of which are of recognized brand imported abroad which ensure the high performance of the grab. It is simple in structure, easy to operation, high in performance. Project manager: Abby gao 0086-134 8207 5863

4---- 柴油机抓斗hydraulic diesel grab
hydraulic diesel grab bucket donot need cable drum,cable,accessories equipped on the motor hydraulic bulk grab,which reduces the cost and meanwhile ensure the grasping force & efficiency . A pply to complex conditions,such as mixed bulk materials, lack of supporting facilities. It enlarges the application scope of the grab, at the same time, strengthen s the adaptability of the grabs. Project manager: Abby gao 0086-134 8207 5863


6----   半自动集装箱吊具
我公司可生产20feet/40feet半自动吊具, 可伸缩吊具,液压旋转吊具,而且可以及时的提供吊具配件,如导板和旋锁。吊具可广泛地用在杂货船,变幅岸桥起重机,移动岸桥起重机和船用起重机等国内销售业务员:高珊珊
20feet/40fee container spreader is designed for the handling of 20feet/40feet ISO containers with single or double hook jib cranes, in ports or on vessels. The twistlocks are activated by landing and lifting the spreader,from the container by the crane operator. No hydraulic or electric systems are needed. Project manager: Abby gao 0086-134 8207 5863




15---漏斗Dust Collector 

16---灌包机Weighing and Bagging Machinery

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