山西正友邦机械有限公司是一家股份制企业。拥有***的化验分析检测设备和完善的质量保证体系,并已通过ISO9001质量认证。我厂主要生产设备有:2台1吨中频感应电炉,1台2吨中频感应电炉,2台3吨中频感应电炉炉; 1台10吨树脂砂混砂机,2台15吨树脂砂混砂机; 1套10吨树脂砂处理系统,1套40吨树脂砂处理系统;3台吊钩抛丸机;1台热处理炉。质量检测设备有:1台炉前铁水质量管理仪;1台16通道光谱仪;1台微机屏显式液压**试验机;1台冲击试验机 ( 包括投影仪,制样机 );1台-30℃低温槽;1台微机金相显微镜;1台布氏硬度机;2台便携式布氏硬度机;2套常规化学分析仪;1套型砂分析仪;2台USM-33超声波无损探伤仪;2套美国磁通荧光磁粉探伤仪。 我公司年产铸铁件10000余吨,主要生产:灰铸铁HT150,HT200,HT250, HT300;球墨铸铁EN-GJS-350-22-LT,EN-GJS-350-22,EN-GJS-400-18-LT, EN-GJS-400-18,QT 450-10,QT 500-7,QT 600-3,QT 700-2及合金铸铁件。我厂产品主要出口美国、德国、西班牙、丹麦等**,同时还为国内大型外资企业配套,交货及时,信誉良好,赢得了广大 用户的信赖,并同顾客建立了长期合作关系。 我们坚持持续改进,拓展市场,发展合作伙伴,共创美好未来。山西省是中国的能源基地,铸造资源、电力供应和其它资源都有得天独厚的优势。正友邦机械厂热忱欢迎国内外朋友前来洽谈业务和技术合作。 We have the most advanced chemical analysis and inspection equipments and complete quality assurance system, At present we already have the certificate of ISO9001. The main production equipments include two 1-ton electric induction furnaces, one 2-ton electric induction furnace, two 3-ton electric induction furnace. one10-ton resin sand mixer, two 15-ton resin sand mixer. one 10-ton resin sand treatment systems, one 40-ton resin sand treatment systems. three shot blasting machines, one heating furnace. The main test equipments include one direct-read spectrometer, one melted metal thermal analysis meter, one multiple tensile strength tester, one impact tester, one -30℃ lower temperature box, one metallurgic microscope, one hardness tester, two portable hardness testers, two sets of chemical analysis testers, one set of resin sand test equipments, two USM-33 ultrasonic test equipments and two sets of USA magnetic particle inspection equipments.
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