TURCK(图尔克)是全球着名的自动化品牌,旗下囊括近15000种丰富多样的传感器产品、工业现场总线产品、过程自动化产品和各类接口及接插件产品,为工厂自动化及过程自动化提供了高效率和系统化的全方位解决方案。目前,总部位于德国的图尔克集团已在世界27个国家建立分公司、拥有超过3000名雇员,并通过代理与另外60个国家建立商业往来,年营业额近4亿欧元。 TURCK(图尔克)作为工业自动化领军企业已有40多年的历史。凭借世界一流的设计、生产技术、全系列的产品线、优异的质量和遍布全球的销售服务网络,TURCK不仅能为用户提供及时专业的技术支持与定制产品,还能确保直接在现场为世界各地的客户提供优质的系统化解决方案。 图尔克中国 1994年图尔克集团正式在中国投资设立分公司,以便最大化地满足中国市场的需求,并为本地客户提供零距离的定制化服务。同年9月8日,图尔克(天津)传感器有限公司作为德国图尔克集团的全资子公司,在天津经济技术开发区注册成立。 历经17年的稳健发展,集生产、销售、系统集成、工程服务为一体的图尔克中国公司,已逐步发展成为图尔克集团在亚太地区的生产及销售中心。目前,图尔克中国公司包括从事销售及市场营销的图尔克(天津)传感器有限公司、从事产品设计生产的图尔克(天津)科技有限公司、以及从事工程项目的图尔克(天津)工程控制系统有限公司三家下属公司。 目前,图尔克中国公司年销售额逾4亿人民币、员工500余人,并分别在北京、上海、广州、武汉、沈阳、无锡、成都、西安等23个城市设立办事处,已成功为10000多家中国客户提供专业的产品和服务,客户遍布全国各行业。 Turck Group Turck is a worldwide market leader in automation with almost 15,000 different sensors, industrial fieldbus products, process automation products, various interfaces and connectors, supplying comprehensive factory and process automation solutions to improve customers’ efficiency and quality. With our headquarters in Germany, the Turck Group has subsidiaries in 27 countries employing over 3,000 colleagues. Through our cooperation with long term partners, we also serve markets in additional 60 countries contributing a turn over of nearly 400 million Euro. TURCK has 40 years of experiences as a leader in industrial automation. With our top design and production technology, our complete product lines and outstanding quality, our global sales network, Turck is not only able to provide our clients with fast and professional technical support and customized products, we are also able to satisfy our customers with systematic solutions directly on-site. Turck China Turck established the daughter company in China in 1994 to serve China market directly from within China and respond to local customers needs with zero distance. On September 8, 1994, Turck (Tianjin) Sensor Co., Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of Turk Group, was established in Tianjin Economic Technology Development Zone. Over the last 17 years, Turck China has expanded production, sales, system integration and engineering services, and grown to the center for sales and production of Turck Group in Asia. There are currently three subsidiaries under Turck China, including Turck (Tianjin) Sensor Co., Ltd., which focuses on sales and marketing; Turck (Tianjin) Technology Co., Ltd., which specializes in product design and production; and Turck (Tianjin) Engineering Co., Ltd., which provides system integration and engineering for customers. In China, Turck generates a turn over of over 400 million RMB and employs around 500 colleagues in 23 offices covering all corners of China including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Wuhan, Shenyang, Wuxi, Chengdu and Xi’an. We are proud to successfully serve over 10,000 Chinese customers nationwide in a variety of industries, providing them with professional products and services.
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