沈阳浩恒食品机械制造有限公司(原沈阳市海恒食品机械厂)   主要产品:   蒸熏烤炉,烟熏炉,烤鸡炉,烤鸭炉,滚揉机,斩拌机,灌肠机,拌馅机,绞肉机,蒸煮锅,盐水注射机,真空滚揉机,真空拌馅机,真空斩拌机,真空定量灌肠机,冰片机,捆线机,打浆机,和面机,电煮锅,烟熏箱,电烤炉,电炸锅,电烤箱,挂肠车,料车,风干机,清洗机,液压劈骨机等。@@@@@   企业简介:   沈阳浩恒食品机械制造有限公司(原沈阳市海恒食品机械厂)是肉类食品加工机械设备制造的专业厂家,是集机械设计、制造、维修于一体的富有经验的老厂。产品现已发展成为十大系列,二十多个品种。本厂在肉食品加工机械方面拥有雄厚的技术力量,拥有一大批熟练的技术工人,急用户之所急、想用户之所想,能及时为用户解决生产中遇到的实际问题。二十多年来,为用户研制了一系列适用于从事肉类制品加工的大、中、小型设备。电加热蒸熏烤炉是于2004年研制成功的新产品。本机炉体内外壁全部采用优质不锈钢制造,保证肉制品无污染,而且外表美观,符合国家食品卫生的要求。2009年公司又成功研制了全自动冷熏炉,特别适合需要保鲜要求的海产品加工.本厂生产的肉制品加工设备有:烟熏炉、滚揉机、斩拌机、灌肠机、拌馅机、绞肉机、蒸煮锅、盐水注射机、真空滚揉机、真空拌馅机、真空斩拌机、冰片机、捆线机、打卡机、打浆机、和面机、电煮锅、烟熏箱、电烤炉、电炸锅、电动蒸熏炉、电烤箱、挂肠车、料车、风干机、清洗机、液压劈骨机等,设备已销往:云南、广西、陕西、山西、河南、河北、安徽、北京、上海、山东、黑龙江、吉林、天津、辽宁等二十多个省市,深受广大用户的好评。本厂以优质的产品、低廉的价格、精湛的技术和良好的服务为企业的发展宗旨,竭诚为广大用户服务。   电话:13804045147 024-31819039   网址:   地址:沈阳市新民市兴隆镇狼尾泡村   邮编:110000 Shenyang Haoheng Food Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (formerly Shenyang Haiheng Food Machinery Factory) Main products: Fumigation oven, smoking oven, roast chicken oven, duck oven, rolling machine, chopper, sausage machine, stuffing mixer, meat grinder, cooking pot, saltwater injection machine, vacuum rolling machine, vacuum stuffing mixer, vacuum chopper, vacuum quantitative enema machine, ice packer, beater, dough machine, electric cooker, smoke box, electric roasting Furnace, electric frying pan, electric oven, trailer, truck, air dryer, cleaning machine, hydraulic bone splitter, etc. Company profile: Shenyang Haoheng Food Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (formerly Shenyang Haiheng Food Machinery Factory) is a professional manufacturer of meat food processing machinery and equipment. It is an experienced old factory integrating mechanical design, manufacturing and maintenance. Products have now developed into ten series, more than 20 varieties. Our factory has strong technical force in meat food processing machinery, and has a large number of skilled technical workers, who are eager to meet the usersneeds and want their thoughts, and can solve the practical problems encountered in production for users in a timely manner. For more than 20 years, we have developed a series of large, medium and small equipments suitable for meat products processing. Electric heating fumigation oven is a new product developed in 2004. The inner and outer walls of the furnace are all made of high quality stainless steel, which ensures that meat products are pollution-free and beautiful in appearance, and meets the requirements of national food hygiene. In 2009, the company successfully developed a full-automatic cold fumigation oven, which is especially suitable for seafood processing that requires fresh-keeping. The meat products processing equipment produced by our factory include smoking oven, rolling kneading machine, chopper, sausage machine, filling machine, meat mincer, cooking pot, saltwater injection machine, vacuum rolling kneading machine, vacuum filling mixer, vacuum chopper. Borneol machine, wire binding machine, punching machine, beater, dough mixer, electric cooker, smoke oven, electric oven, electric frying pan, electric fumigation oven, electric oven, trailer, truck, air dryer, cleaning machine, hydraulic bone splitter, etc. The equipment has been sold to Yunnan, Guangxi, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Henan, Hebei, Anhui, Beijing, China. Shanghai, Shandong, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Tianjin, Liaoning and other more than 20 provinces and cities, well received by the majority of users. Our company takes high quality products, low price, exquisite technology and good service as the development purpose of the enterprise, and wholeheartedly serves the vast number of users. Tel: 138045147 024-31819039 Website: Http:// Http:// Address: Langweipao Village, Xinglong Town, Xinmin City, Shenyang City Zip code: 110000
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