Modern painting and calligraphy art treasures"Freedom and Love"Appreciation and collection
《自由与爱情》是一幅经典的艺术作品,“生命诚可贵,爱情价更高,若为自由故,两都可抛”。作者的艺术誓言也是如此,将自由改成了艺术。“生命诚可贵,爱情价更高,若为艺术梦,两都可抛”。Art and Love is a classic work of art, “Liberty and love,These two I must have,For love ,I will sacrifice my life;For liberty,I will sacrifice my love”。The same is true of the author's artistic oath, transforming freedom into art.“Art and love,These two I must have, For love ,I will sacrifice my life;For art,I will sacrifice my love”.
这是对作者对艺术的孤独誓言,“朝陪暮伴柳王颜,墨入心脾岂等闲?!孤独终老浑不怕,要留作品在人间。”This is a lonely vow to the author to art.“With Mr.Liu, Mr.Wang and Mr.Yan Get together day and day,It is too unusual that Inks soak into the heart and the spleen.I do not be afraid for Lonely die old. Must keep the art works in the world”.
这是经典的书法艺术作品。它构思独特,寓意深远。因为西洋书法艺术没有先案,也就没有规矩,所以作者妙笔生花,行云流水,浑然洒脱,收放自如。This is the classic works of calligraphy art. It has a unique conception and has a profound meaning.Because the western calligraphy art has no first specimen, there is no established practice, so the author write like an angel, floating clouds and flowing water, free and easy, put freely.
这是开启和创造西洋书法艺术的作品,作者着意于真实情感的再现,并喜欢展示他对书法艺术的感受,而不是他所看到的视觉形象。他总是力图用文字形式来揭示精神,用笔触来传递情感,用清晰灵动的线条写出夸张的形象。This is the work that open up and create the art of Western calligraphy.The author attempted to representation of the true feelings,and liked to show his feelings about calligraphic art, not what he saw as the visual image.He always tries to using writing form to reveal the spirit,with the the brush and ink to convey emotion, Write exaggerated images with clear and clever lines。
易安居草堂是西洋书法艺术的开启和创造者,用传统书法的土壤和根苗去培育和嫁接西洋书法艺术。作品中西合璧,文化交融,将是未来书法艺术创新发展的灿烂瑰宝,字里行间流淌着东方千年的历史和文化,墨色流光描绘着西方现代文明的神韵和灵魂。“ The humble cottage to live easily”is the opening and creator of Western calligraphy art, using the soil and root seedlings of Chinese calligraphy to cultivate and graft the art of Chinese calligraphy. The combination of Chinese and Western works and the integration of culture will be the brilliant treasures of the future innovation and development of calligraphy art. Between the lines flows the millennium history and culture of the East, and the ink light depicts the charm and soul of modern western civilization.
传统书法艺术历史悠久,源远流长。各国文字也一样诞生在很久很久以前,有文字就应该书法艺术。英文是很好表现书法美学价值的文字之一,英文书法艺术可以更加千变万化,更加丰富俊美。将传统书法艺术嫁接到西洋文化,必将是一场浩荡地书法艺术革命,必将开启和创造一个时代艺术传奇。任何一个人都可以参与进来,成为这场书法艺术变革的使者、学者、开拓者、推动者、贡献者或旁观者,迎来全球性书法艺术的春天。Chinese calligraphy art has a long history.The Words around the world was also born long, long ago, As long as there are words, there must be calligraphy. English is one of the best words to express the aesthetic value of calligraphy, and English calligraphy art can be more varied, more rich and beautiful.Grafting the Chinese calligraphy art to the western culture, will certainly be a vast revolution of the calligraphy art, will certainly open and create an art legend of the era. Anyone can get involved, Become the messenger, scholar, exploiter, promoter, contributor or bystander of the transformation of calligraphy art, and usher in the global spring of calligraphy art。
这幅作品蕴藏着文化气息和精神力量,在公共场所和家居环境装饰中得到广泛的应用。将中英文书法艺术巧妙地融入到装饰场所空间中,取得了很好的艺术装饰效果,深受现代人民喜爱。This work contains the cultural atmosphere and spiritual power, and has been widely used in public places and home environment decoration. The Chinese and English calligraphy art is skillfully integrated into the decoration space, and has achieved a very good art decoration effect, which is deeply loved by the modern people.
本书法艺术作品经世界艺术联合总会理事会评审通过,列为联合会收藏。This calligraphy art work has been approved by the council of the World Art Union Council and is listed as the permanent collection of the association.
中西书法艺术是东方古老文化的艺术繁衍,也是西方现代文明的艺术新潮。始终贯彻亲民化、近民化的艺术创作思想,坚持从群众中来,到人民中去。所以这些作品原著非常便宜,可以从作者那里得到,曾经在公开市场出现过,也是苏富比和佳士得公司拍锤下罕见便宜的艺术。它将伴随在人类生活的身边,是普通民众都能欣赏并拥有的书法艺术。The art of Chinese and Western calligraphy is the artistic reproduction of the ancient eastern culture, and also the new artistic trend of the modern western civilization.Always carry out the artistic creation thought of being together with the people, adhere to from the masses, Back to the people.So the original work is very cheap, available from the author, once appeared in the auction market, and is the cheapest art ever auctioned by Sotheby's and Christie's.It will accompany in the human life around, is the ordinary people can enjoy and have the calligraphy art.
世界上任何一种语言文字都应该有它们自己的书法艺术,都应该有它们越来越美的书写方式,易安居草堂已经开始在全球范围内寻求和招募区域经纪人和合作伙伴,让不同肤色、不同文化的人民都懂得欣赏书法艺术的神韵与灵魂,让全人类手牵手共享书法艺术的美学价值。Any language in the world should have its own calligraphy art, and should have their more and more beautiful writing methods. Cottage H.L.E has begun to seek and recruit regional brokers and partners around the world, Let the people of different skin colors and different cultures know how to appreciate the charm and soul of calligraphy art,so that all mankind can share the aesthetic value of calligraphy art hand in hand.
免责声明:当前页为 易安居草堂中西合璧民间书法艺术《自由与爱情》鉴赏与收藏产品信息展示页,该页所展示的 易安居草堂中西合璧民间书法艺术《自由与爱情》鉴赏与收藏产品信息及价格等相关信息均有企业自行发布与提供, 易安居草堂中西合璧民间书法艺术《自由与爱情》鉴赏与收藏产品真实性、准确性、合法性由店铺所有企业完全负责。世界工厂网对此不承担任何保证责任,亦不涉及用户间因交易而产生的法律关系及法律纠纷,纠纷由会员自行协商解决。