脱氧剂干燥剂包装膜打微孔机,薄膜打孔针辊精度高,孔间距及孔径大小均匀,针尖高度一致,孔径尺寸(自行调整)及孔型排列按客户所需定制。该打孔薄膜广泛应用于面包、食品、鲜花、医疗护垫透气打孔、热暖包膜透气打孔机、珠光膜打孔辊,干燥剂包装、脱氧剂包装打孔等包装薄膜及工业上打孔透气产品,覆盖多行业的薄膜打孔领域。该打孔加热针辊模具总成装置直接安装在塑料膜分切机(分条机)、吹膜机,复合机,印刷机等产品需打孔的原机械设备上打孔生产,效率高,操作简单,调整方便。电话(传真) 86-0595-22392190 联络 13808545457 Email:xfjx123@163.com
The film punching needle roller has high precision, uniform hole spacing and aperture size, uniform needle tip
height, aperture size (self-adjusting) and hole type arrangement according to customer requirements. The
perforated film is widely used in packaging films such as bread, food, flowers, medical beauty, desiccant
packaging film and industrial perforated and breathable products, covering the field of film punching in many
industries. The perforated heating needle roller mold assembly device is directly installed on the original
equipment of the plastic film slitting machine (slitting machine), the film blowing machine, the laminating
machine, the printing machine and the like, which is punched, and has high efficiency and operation. Simple and
easy to adjust. Phone (fax) 86-0595-22392190 Contact 13808545457 Email: xfjx123@163.com
免责声明:当前页为 脱氧剂干燥剂包装膜打微孔机deoxidizer packaging film breathable punching产品信息展示页,该页所展示的 脱氧剂干燥剂包装膜打微孔机deoxidizer packaging film breathable punching产品信息及价格等相关信息均有企业自行发布与提供, 脱氧剂干燥剂包装膜打微孔机deoxidizer packaging film breathable punching产品真实性、准确性、合法性由店铺所有企业完全负责。世界工厂网对此不承担任何保证责任,亦不涉及用户间因交易而产生的法律关系及法律纠纷,纠纷由会员自行协商解决。