This module provides a lot of functionality in a small package.With both rough and high vacuum sensors, integrated electronics,and built-in digital display, all that is required for basicoperation is that it be provided with DC power of suitable voltage,current capacity, and quality (requirements are in the manual,available on-line; see comments later in this description).
Many of the common operations - including ionization gauge on/offand degas, Conductron calibration, and configuration of set points- may be carried out through the local user interface of pushbuttons and LED display. For partial remote control, some commonoperations can also be carried out through use of simple electricalinputs; trip point relays and analog output are available forsystem control and remote reading/logging of the pressure. TheRS-485 interface is available for comprehensive operation of thewhole package.
A data sheet for this module is available in .PDF format from theBrooks Automation web site, on their literature page as"Granville-Phillips Series 356 Micro-IonPlus Module". The fullmanual is also available from them in .PDF format, underSupport-->Literature Library-->Manuals-->Module Manuals,"356 Micro-Ion Plus Vacuum Gauge Module with Analog RS-485Interface Installation Operation (356007)". Should you beinterested in looking at either or both of these, and have anydifficulty locating the files, then please contact us. We'd behappy to help.
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