深圳湾边贸易直接进口美国 Computerized Imaging ReferenceSystems 公司模体:
CIRS 055模体-三维超声校准模块,
CIRS 055A模体-3D线形测试模块,
厂家:美国Computerized Imaging Reference Systems,Incorporated (美国CIRS)
For all computed tomography systems, the Food and DrugAdministration recommends measuring the CT Dose Index (CTDI). Eachsection of the CIRS CT Dose Phantoms can provide separate doseinformation. The user can also measure maximum, minimum andmid-range values of the nominal tomographic section thickness whenperforming dose profile measurements.
Each phantom consists of a set of nesting 15 cm thick solid PMMAdisks measuring 16 cm (head) and 32 cm (body) in diameter. The adult head disk is also suitable for pediatric bodymeasurements. The Model 007A includes a third nesting diskmeasuring 10 cm in diameter for pediatric head measurements.Handles on the body and head are provided for ease in handling andmaneuverability.
Through holes measuring 1.31 cm in diameter will accommodatestandard CT probes. Acrylic rods are provided to plug the holeswhen not in use. The acrylic rods are machined to receive 1 mmdiameter TLD rods.
The Model 007 & 007A are manufactured to comply with theFDA’s performance standard, 21 CFR 1020.33 that details themeasurement requirements.The basic standard forultrasound quality assurance.
The series of ultrasound phantoms, unlike human subjects or randomscannable materials, offers a reliable medium which containsspecific, known test objects for repeatable qualitative assessmentof ultrasound scanner performance over time. This phantom isconstructed from the patented solid elastic materialZerdine®.
Zerdine®, unlike other phantom materials on the market, is notaffected by changes in temperature. It can be subjected to boilingor freezing conditions without sustaining significant damage.Zerdine® is also more elastic than other materials and allows morepressure to be applied to the scanning surface without subsequentdamage to the material. At normal or room temperatures, theZerdine® material found in the Model 054 will accurately simulatethe ultrasound characteristics found in human liver tissue.
Designed to allow for axial resolution, lateral response width,uniformity, dead zone measurements, depth of visualization, highand low contrast mass imaging, and distance calibration.
免责声明:当前页为 深圳湾边贸易代理进口美国CIRS 055A及049A模体价格优惠产品信息展示页,该页所展示的 深圳湾边贸易代理进口美国CIRS 055A及049A模体价格优惠产品信息及价格等相关信息均有企业自行发布与提供, 深圳湾边贸易代理进口美国CIRS 055A及049A模体价格优惠产品真实性、准确性、合法性由店铺所有企业完全负责。世界工厂网对此不承担任何保证责任,亦不涉及用户间因交易而产生的法律关系及法律纠纷,纠纷由会员自行协商解决。