Granville Phillips 275 Convectron Gauge, Part Number 275071 for 1/8" Male NPT The 275 Granville Phillips convectron pressure measurement gauge tube sensor is the industry standard
convection-enhanced Pirani gauge. The Granville Phillips 275 measures vacuum pressure from atmosphere to 1x10-4 Torr and are ideal for roughing and foreline pressure measurement. It provides reliable
fast response measurement, in milliseconds rather than seconds as in the case with thermocouple-type gauges. The high accuracy of the Granville Phillips 275 Convectron vacuum gauge sensor and
repeatablilty help insure that processes start at the desired pressure time-after-time. However, they are sensitive to the chemical composition of the gases being measured and are termed a relative
pressure measurement method, that is, they determine the pressure indirectly from the thermal conductivity property of the gas medium.
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