A nonionic surfactant made from linear C9-11 alcohol with 6 moles (average) of ethylene oxide. Tomadol 91-6 has an HLB of 12.4 and is typically used as the sole nonionic surfactant inaqueouscleanersor in combination with a lower HLB nonionic such as Tomadol 91-2.5. The degree of alkoxylation of the Tomadol 91-6 offers superior wetting in aqueous based cleaners. The Tomadol 91-6isincluded inthe family of 91 series linear alcohol ethoxylates, which have many end use applications, including a wide variety of cleaning formulations. CTFA Name: C9-11 Pareth-6
Sample formulation:
Floor Cleaner / Wax Stripper
Alkaline Metal Cleaners
Leather, Vinyl, and Plastic Container
Alkaline Wash Powder (Soak Tank Cleaner)
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